Less "NO," more "YES"
More often than not, the main obstacle to adding new foods to a child’s diet is not related to how the food tastes, what the child’s...
Making Changes That Stick
As a Feeding Therapist, I find myself having a good deal of food-related conversations with my friends or acquaintances that I meet....
Holiday Hunger Pangs
How do you approach family gatherings with a child who doesn’t like to eat? I think that most parents can agree that while the holidays...
Team "Clean Plate Club" vs. Team "Short Order Cook": Where do you stand?
“You will sit right there until your meatloaf is gone, young lady!” (3 hours later, the meatloaf, and the child, are still sitting at the...
Practicing What I Preach
**This entry is a re-post from feedingtherapyhelp.com. My daughter is now almost three years old, and she continues to enjoy a wide...
Time to get RID of these baby "milestones"
I have some serious pet peeves about a few feeding “milestones” that all of our little ones pass through (although I’ll tell you right...
Why I'm Anti Hiding Veggies
Now, before you throw your kale and brownie mix-covered whisk at me, hear me out! I understand why hiding veggies seems like a good idea,...